Peru Travelers

Po-Hi Travelers Return from Trip

The Po-Hi Peru travelers recently returned from their trip to Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu. While there they visited Incan ruins and learned about the unique history and culture of the Inca civilization. The group visited a wildlife sanctuary for llamas, alpacas and condors, and they took on the Urubamba River in a white-water rafting day.

On international trips like this, students learn not only about other people’s cultures and languages, but they also enhance their own skills in independence, time management, money management and teamwork.

PCPS faculty attending the Peru trip included Molly Carter, Paige Marsh, Eric Lansdowne-Peoples and Alaina Dingus.

Po-Hi continues to offer international trips open to PCPS students, parents, faculty and alumni. Join them for two unforgettable trips planned for the near future: Japan in July 2024 and Germany, Spain and France in July 2025. Fundraising opportunities will be available.

All interested Wildcats and families are encouraged to contact for Japan information and for Germany, Spain and France.

An in-person informational meeting will be held in the Po-Hi Assembly Center in September. More details about that meeting will be announced soon.